Apply here: 2024-2025 Fine Arts Scholarship Application
Prospective students and transfer students are encouraged to apply for the Art and Design Honors Scholarship the semester before their anticipated start at Drake. Those who have already received a Bachelors degree from any institution are ineligible to apply for the Fine Arts Scholarship. You must complete the Drake University application process before you will be considered for a Fine Arts Honor Scholarship award. Please contact us at if you have any questions, including eligibility to apply for the Art and Design Honors Scholarship.
Applicants interested in Art History should attach a writing sample of no more than three pages that analyze a specific work of art or literature, a historical event or text, or other relevant topics. The writing sample should include references and citations.
Applicants interested in Studio Art and/or Graphic Design should attach at least six and no more than eight images of your most current artwork. Images should be no larger than 1000 pixels in any direction and be less than 1 MB in size. Please save images at the highest resolution possible within these limits. Include title, medium, and date of work for each image.
Please put one image per page with information into this Word document (a single page template included in this document) and “Save As” a single PDF file that is named in the following format:
Lastname_firstname.pdf (.pdf extension will be automatically added)
Free image editing software is available online at and allows applicants to crop, rotate, resize, and do light editing work on images. This program works on both PC and Mac computers. Please do not use filters or effects on your portfolio images.
See below for answers to frequently asked questions, but if you have any additional questions about the application process, please contact us at
Who is eligible for an Art and Design Fine Arts Scholarship?
Scholarships in the Fine Arts are open to new incoming students as well as transfer students who exhibit exceptional skills in Studio Art, Graphic Design, or Art History. Applicants interested in the Art and Design Scholarship should be enrolled full-time and pursuing a major in Art History, Graphic Design, or a Studio Art field. Students who are pursuing minors within the department are not eligible for these scholarships.
How does a Fine Arts Scholarship impact my financial aid package?
Please note that awards may affect your overall financial aid package. Students who are submitting applications for Fine Arts Scholarships in more than one Fine Arts area (Art and Design, Music and Theater) can only be awarded one Fine Arts Scholarship. Those who receive a Fine Arts Scholarship are not eligible for the Drake Grant or Drake Supplemental Grant.
How do I apply for the Fine Arts Scholarship?
For Design and Studio complete the electronic application form which requires at least 6 and no more than 8 digital images. For Art History prepare a 2 to 3 page writing sample. For more information find the scholarship application on the Art and Design website,
What work should I include?
Department of Art and Design Fine Arts Scholarships are merit-based and determined primarily through consideration of the quality of work submitted. You should submit what you consider to be your best work, regardless of media or the major you will pursue. We suggest you include artwork derived from direct observation and if possible include some variety in approach and media.
What are the procedures/timetables for Art and Design scholarships?
First, you must complete the application process and be admitted by Drake University before your scholarship application can be considered. Applications are reviewed on a continuing basis, pending the availability of allocated funds. To ensure consideration for an award please submit your portfolio by the priority deadline. Applying after this date could hinder your eligibility for consideration.
What is the process/timetable for notification of awards?
After the department’s faculty review the submitted portfolios and writing samples, notification of awards will be mailed out in March.
What are the criteria for renewal?
Renewal of a Fine Arts Scholarship is contingent on maintaining full-time enrollment, satisfactory participation in a major in the Department of Art and Design, making appropriate progress toward graduation in the major and maintaining good academic standing (which is a 2.0 cumulative grade point average for the first 30 credit hours and 2.5 GPA thereafter). Generally, these scholarships are available for the lesser of a.) four years of undergraduate study, or b.) until a student earns a bachelor’s degree or becomes a graduate/professional-level student.
Who may I contact for further information about Art and Design at Drake?
Department of Art and Design
Jacob Lemons at
1-800-44-DRAKE or 515-271-2863